Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fieldtrip and Structure of the Earth

Weeks ago,I and the grade 6 students went to Sentul and have our field trip.In there,we did some activities like target shooting and an out bound.We had fun.

Days after the fieldtrip,I did a 3D Earth cutaway model.I made it with modelling clays of different colors.I also did some summary about it. :)

Here's the video:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Science AA1:Foodweb Diorama

 For my Science AA1 I made a diorama.Its about a food web.I did this with my friend Reyhan.

 A food web is a connected food chain.In the diorama we use toys which is shaped animals like cheetah,giraffe,lion and some trees.Then,we make the food web.We also write facts about the diorama.We also choose what habitat we want to make in the diorama.I choose the African savanna.
The animals in African savanna are moose,zebra,giraffe,lion and cheetah.We can form a food web with these animals. 
In a food web,there are producers,consumers and prey and predator.
The producers is the plants which capture sunlight.The zebra,giraffe and moose eat the plants.Then the cheetah and lion compete the zebra and others for food.

 We can also help the environment by:
  1. By not littering.
  2. Recycle.
  3. Crush the plastic bottle first before dumping it to the trashbin.
  4. Do not hunt for animal's skin,fur and other animal parts.They might extinct.Don't you want to help or precious animals?
  5. Grow plants to reduce carbon dioxide in the air.
  6. Reduce the use of harmful gases.
  7. Use biodegradable materials.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fieldtrip to Beth Shalom farm

 The plants

On 13 September,I and my friends in my class and next door class,had a field trip to a farm.There we are doing some activities.We identify monocotyledons and dicotyledons plant.We also learn methods in the reproductive system of plants.Like grafting and air layering.Examples of dicots are:corn and eggplant.Examples of monocots are:garlic.

We are also given lunch.We also plant cassava plant for the AA at school.It is about reproduction in plants.Until now,my cassava plant is growing.I think this fieldtrip is quite fun but at the sametime is a little boring.But i enjoyed it.It is on BSD,serpong.You guys should go there,you will get more knowledge :)

 to find more information about monocots and dicots,visit:



Friday, May 4, 2012

Electric Circuit-Building

 The electric circuit building is fine.But I learned to make new kind of circuits.The electric circuit needs many materials.We also answer the questions from our activity book.

 wires and light bulb


Energy Conversion

In this unit,we learn about energy conversion.There are many types of energy like kinetic energy,sound energy,heat energy and many more.

<-----This is a parachute.The energy conversion is:chemical potential energy and kinetic energy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Annual Project

Annual Project

The annual project consists of many projects like the Power Point presentation, making a diorama, posters and others.The pictures above show one of my annual projects which is the architectural structure.Each of the groups has different architectural structure because they have different a civilization to work on. Examples are Greece,China and Egypt. My group is Indonesia Civilization, mostly history. We chose Monas (National Monument) as our architectural structure.We had lots of trouble and difficulties in the making, but finally we have finished it.